My perfect day would begin with waking up to golden rays of sunlight streaming through the blinds and birds singing happily outside. I would look at the clock, and realize that I had slept in far too late and would be just fine with that. As I walk out to the kitchen, I realize nobody is home. I open the pantry to get a box of cereal and notice a plate of fresh steaming pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. After breakfast I load up a picnic basket, some towels, my camera, and drive to a lake. Arriving at the lake I notice all of my friends are already there and need just one more player for their beach volleyball game. My team would take the victory and it would be time for lunch. After an afternoon of sunbathing and swimming exhaustion would set in. Once I got home I would jump in the shower and then take a much needed nap. Waking up once again, it would be mid-evening and time to get ready for a night out with some close friends. We would walk the streets of downtown and eventually attend a friend's dance party. Walking into the room of flashing lights and music, the excitement would set in and stay the rest of the night. Toward midnight fatigue from the day of packed events would finally creep its way through my body. My perfect day would end with me climbing under the covers of my bed to sleep until noon the next day.
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